Meditation Themes


“You were born with potential. 
You were born with goodness and trust. 

You were born with ideals and dreams. 

You were born with greatness. 

You were born with wings. 

You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. 

You have wings. 

Learn to use them and fly.” Rumi

Dear Ones,
did you know, that through your thought habits you’ve created for yourself a momentum of trust and a momentum of doubt? You might find it helpful to notice which one is stronger. So take a quick but accurate assessment of how much of the time you lean towards trusting and how much of the time you indulge in doubt, worry or fear. To make it very clear put a percentage number for each.  As always be gentle and loving with yourself, this is certainly not an exercise of being hard on yourself. This is simply for you to know where you are on your path. And wherever you are, you are still on your path! It’s a little bit like you look at the map to locate where you are right now, so you can get orientated, clear and decide on your next step. Once you look at the results, appreciate yourself for your truthfulness and know that even if you’ve just realised that the number for doubt and worry is (much) higher than trust, don’t worry! :-)Your power is in now and you can change anything. Another helpful thing for you to understand is, that if you used to worry more, than worry might feel like your “natural” reaction. But it is not, it is only your more PRACTISED response to life. So next time when life challenges you and you feel a pull towards worry, stop right there, take a deep breath and affirm in your mind: I choose trust now.
 I love this gentle yet steady feeling of growing trust within me. It feels like homecoming. With time, trusting becomes easier and easier, bringing you wonderful feelings of inner security, well-being and your own goodness and worthiness. You need the discipline of your thought only until you tip the momentum towards trust. Then it’s going to feel natural. So hang in there just for a little bit longer and enjoy the journey! Jana x x
Trust is this week’s meditation theme.
Tree of Life Centre in Hove: Sat 4 March at 11.30 am
River Clinic in Lewes: Tues 7 March at 14.00 pm

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