Meditation Themes


We live in a loving and supportive Universe…


Dear Ones, 

It’s sometimes natural not to see clearly the next step. At times we all feel like we are blindfolded. I’ve personally learnt that two things will always untangle me from any unclear situation. The first is self-love, the second is trust. One of the greatest gifts of my spiritual journey is that I feel more and more that we are all surrounded by this immense unconditional love. Whether it’s love of Source/God or love of Angels, we are all wrapped in it like in cotton wool. All the time. We are safe and we are secure. Once you start feeling it together with a deeper understanding that this is a loving and supportive Universe and you can trust it, your life becomes what it’s meant to be. A grand adventure. A passionate romance. A joyful journey of a trusting unguarded heart…Everything false and untrue disappears, as no crutches are necessary for those who make leap of faith their way of living…No crutches necessary for those who live from a place of unwavering trust…

I am looking forward to meditating with you. 

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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