Meditation Themes

Your Innate Power

Dear Ones,
anytime things don’t go our way, it’s easy to feel like a victim of circumstances. And although over the last year we all experienced moments which could potentially activate feelings of victimhood, it’s good to remind ourselves that this is optional and that we don’t have to subscribe to victimhood no matter what is happening around us. And just knowing that we always have this option will naturally weaken any feeling of disempowerment. 

It’s so essential for our well-being and a happy life to be aware, learn to recognise and drop any feeling/energy of victimhood. Why? Because it’s based on the illusion of fear, so it’s not real. We can only feel it when we temporarily forget who we truly are – limitless, free, infinite, eternal. When we forget we shrink into “limited me”.  I’ve just heard a spiritual teacher call it “mini me” which I really like 🙂 and most commonly this is described as an ego. And although this is to some extent a part of the story of having a human experience so we don’t have to judge ourselves when it happens, we can still recognise it and drop it as false and not true. 

When we are convinced that we are victims, energetically we affirm victimhood and in that moment there is no way out. When I work with someone who is entangled into victimhood, they often argue for their limitations. They see themselves as insignificant and whatever external obstacles they face as giants. We’ve all been there at some point in our lives, so we all know the feeling. But because we are in fact such powerful beings our perspective is highly creative and whatever we affirm – whether consciously or unconsciously – manifests. So no positive change can reach us until we choose another point of view. 

The new self-empowering perspective is really just remembering who you already are. It is homecoming. It is knowing your innate value with no doubt. It’s knowing that you belong, that you are always connected to all living beings and to Source and that you are guided and cherished just as you are. It is knowing that you are safe and that this is a benevolent loving universe. It is knowing that life is happening from you and not to you. And finally it is knowing that you are a powerful being of light and love and no one and nothing can take this power away from you unless you give it away yourself…Do you remember?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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