Meditation Themes

Opening To Miracles

Dear Ones,

One of the most beautiful things about awakening is realising the greatness of who we are. Not in a self-absorbed or egoistic way, because when we reach this sweet spot on the journey of awakening where we can see our own true beauty and splendour, we can see it equally in others. We start realising that what we see with our physical eyes is just like a tip of an iceberg. So much is hidden to the physical eyes and the physical mind. But as our awakening progresses we start awakening to more subtle ways of perceiving, whether we want to call it our inner sight, our intuition or the voice of the higher self, we start perceiving the invisible in more and more refined ways.

And with this clearer inner sight we start uncovering a previously hidden territory. It feels magical and we might think of the fairy tales we loved as children as we realise how much truth was actually in many of them. Miracles feel much more reachable than ever before because we start understanding that it is not so much about creating miracles but rather opening and noticing miracles which have always been there but we just didn’t see them.

We are always blessed, guiden and never lost no matter how we might feel on our life journey at times, especially when we are encountering challenges. But once we are crystal clear about who we are, fully embracing our true nature, our divinity and start consciously opening to the abundant and unconditionally loving universe, life becomes a true celebration. It feels like Source is whispering gently and lovingly to us: Welcome back home, dearest One, let me show you how much you are truly loved and cherished. Let me celebrate your awakening from a dream of unworthiness and struggle. Now you know, it was just a dreamNow you know that you don’t have to believe that this dream is your reality any more.

And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, no matter where you are on your sacred journey of awakening, open to miracles and miraculous solutions today. What seems so solid and unchangeable, is much more malleable than you were taught to believe. You can choose now, regardless of your early conditioning. You can choose to believe in the seemingly impossible and your faith will move mountains. You are much more magical and powerful than you’ve been taught to believe and so gently open to miracles today, both within and without. The arms of Source are wide open and your return back home is anticipated and celebrated with much joy and delight. Will you accept this invitation?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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