Meditation Themes

The Art of Balance 

Dear Ones,

Life is a constant change. Everytime something finishes something new is already beginning. And so our life stories are open ended as we are all free beings of light and love constantly making new choices from the field of infinite possibilities. And as the beautiful quote by Albert Einstein tells us, to stay in balance we have to learn to flow with life. This is more true than ever now, at these powerful times of accelerated change. 

The Libra season we’ve just recently entered is teaching us much about the art of balance. So it’s a good time to be transparent with ourselves and notice whenever we are not in balance and from a non-judgemental place of self-love remedy any imbalances we notice.

One of the most beneficial ways to balance our busy lives full of doing is allowing time for stillness and being. Simple moments of stillness and just being are often like a balm to our entire being. In the moments of deep relaxation our body, mind and spirit can renew, regenerate, integrate any recent life experience and naturally find the point of inner equilibrium again. 

Bathing in stillness will energetically wash everything away from us. And emerging into the everyday hussle and bussle will be like stepping out from healing waters. We then naturally bring stillness and calm everywhere we go. And our presence will bring balance and harmony to others and also to all our creations.

Any action we take from this deep well of calm will be highly beneficial to ourselves and others too. As when we are grounded in the heart we are connected to our innate wisdom and naturally take the action aligned with our highest good and the highest good of all. 

This is a very different place to create from than when we are frustrated, stressed or exhausted. The inner place we take action from is everything as it creates more of the same energy. And so acting from joy creates more joy and inner balance, and acting from frustration only creates more frustration and imbalance. 

When we are no longer lost in the chaotic meanders of the busy mind which is often preoccupied either with the past or the future we can be finally fully in the present moment. And it is the present moment where all magic happens. Only the present moment can reveal magical synchronicities and the field of infinite possibilities with all choices available to us. When we are fully present we can make the next step on our journey a conscious one and no longer repeat old outdated patterns. 

And so dearest One, if you feel inspired return back to your natural inner equilibrium now and allow your life to be magical. I look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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