Meditation Themes

Your Unlimited Potential

“You are infinitely greater than you could ever conceive yourself to be.” Neville Goddard
Dear Ones,
Today I encourage you to see yourself as unlimited as you can. Far too often we are quick to label ourselves and others…But those labels create many unnecessary limitations. You might be more ready than you think to release yourself and others from any restrictions. You do it in your mind…As your mind reflects in everything you are, say or do. That’s where all your freedom or limitations begin. How can you expect to have a more expanded life experience if you always think of yourself in limited terms? So be honest with yourself and notice what’s the most common conception of yourself? How limited or free is it? No need to judge or criticise yourself if the picture you see is not as you want it to be. Instead have compassion with yourself and appreciate that you are awakening to your true power, so that you can access infinite possibilities for your life. Now take a deep breath and when you breathe out, drop your limitations one after another, until you are free, unlimited. Affirm only “I AM.” And for now just rest in those two words. For now don’t add anything else. No labels. No limitations. For now YOU ARE. UNLIMITED. FREE. POWERFUL. FIELD OF INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. PURE POTENTIAL. YOU ARE. 
I look forward to meditating with you, 
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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