Meditation Themes

Intentions For Your Year 2023

Dear Ones,

After we opened to divine guidance in the previous meditation, with the supportive energy of our meditation group and the Angels we’ll now set our intention for this year in this week’s meditation. As it’s easy to get distracted in life when we focus on too many things, I would recommend to select no more than 3 intentions, but as always follow your own innate wisdom. Usually what comes first to your mind is good to go with. 

The powerful manifestation combination is a clear intention or vision connected to a positive feeling. Those are magical ingredients creating the right synergy, so that the seeds of your intentions can grow, flourish and in perfect divine timing bear fruit. When connecting to positive feelings it’s good to ask yourself how you would feel if your vision is already manifested. For most the feeling is gratitude, appreciation, joy, contentment, fulfillment, satisfaction, inspiration, happiness. 

The last step I personally like to add is: This or something even better for the highest good of all. With this sentence you are giving your intention into the loving hands of your higher self, Angels and Source who have a higher view of what’s truly for your highest good. As sometimes from our limited ego perspective we get fixated on something which is actually not for our highest good and this sentence helps us to always move beyond anything which would only create more limitation in our lives no matter how it looks on the surface. As many of us already learnt in life: All that glitters is not gold. 

Afterwards it’s good to keep the themes we want to see progress energetically pristine. This means not letting any thoughts of doubt, insecurity or fear infuse them with negative energy but instead learning to release them in the moment they appear. In other words if you can’t think about your intention in a positive way, then you are better off not thinking about it at all. Otherwise you go about manifestation in a hard way: On one hand your positive intention means making a step towards a full manifestation of it but then if you think about it in a negative way you take a step and sometimes even two back. And so on the outside it looks like nothing is changing in your reality.

Your manifestations might come to you or you’ll be inspired to take action towards them. In most cases it’s a combination of the two. It’s good to ground yourself in knowing that truly productive action is an inspired action: You’ll feel inspired to act or work towards your goal but it won’t feel like hard work, it will feel effortless, joyful or even exciting. So for example on the outside you might look like you are working many hours on your project, but you yourself might feel like a child totally absorbed by her play and not wanting to stop. That sort of work will always energise you and not take anything away from you. It’s a very different story to when you “work hard” which often only means you are pushing against resistance, approaching your work from a place of lack and limitation or your goal is not really aligned with your heart etc. 

And so dearest One, I hope you feel inspired and join us for meditation this week!

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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