Meditation Themes

True Self-Worth

Dear Ones,
As we are at the beginning of the year and connecting to our dreams and intentions, it’s important to ground ourselves in our innate worthiness. We need to know unequivocally that we deserve to have a fulfilling life and our heart’s true desires fully manifested. Most of us went through conditioning which gave us both direct and indirect messages that we first need to prove our worthiness and then if we are considered worthy we’ll be rewarded. Often this meant being “a good girl” or “a good boy”. What this actually meant depended on the definition of each well meaning parent or teacher. And most of us then internalised this conditional love and treated ourselves similarly, often not considering ourselves worthy and feeling the need to improve first to be deserving. 

It’s good to be very clear with ourselves that this conditional love is a trap. It’s an illusion. It’s like a cat chasing her tail. If you come from this inner place no matter what you do or what you achieve you’ll never consider yourself good enough, as in our infinite nature there will always be “something to improve”. 

And so dearest One, come back to the truth that you are ALREADY worthy. No matter what you do, it can’t increase or decrease your innate worthiness. You as an unique aspect of the Divine are already worthy beyond your wildest dreams. You belong. There is no one like you in the whole Universe. You are unique. You are irreplaceable. You are indestructible. You are infinite. You are like a piece of the puzzle, without you the final picture would be incomplete. And just by being authentically you, fully respecting yourself and following your joy you bring immense value to the whole creation. 

When this is the starting point of your journey, you can trust that it will be a great one! A journey truly worthy of your Divinity. When you no longer seek to prove your value, whether through your work, your relationships, your status or your possessions but instead truly know your innate worthiness regardless of your current circumstances, you’ll act from the right inner place and your actions will naturally create life which will reflect back your worthiness and your Divinity again and again. And I am writing to you today to remind you that you deserve nothing less than this, dearest One!

I look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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