Meditation Themes

The Gift Of Your Intuition

Dear Ones,We all have impeccable guidance within us. Forever connected to Source or perhaps better said all of us being unique aspects of the Divine we have a consistent access to Divine guidance. So the question is not whether we have inner guidance or not but rather how we can access it in a more consistent way in our everyday lives. 

Meditation is definitely one of the ways to calm the raging sea of our thoughts and clearly hear the calm voice of intuition. If we are caught in thinking and unconsciously identify with every thought crossing the mind there is no real space for us to listen to inner wisdom. The good news is that it doesn’t require much to calm the mind. Consistency in meditating rather than the length of meditation is the key. Even just 10 min of meditation a day is a wonderful gift to ourselves and a key to unlocking many innate gifts, intuition being just one of them.

Through the practice of regular meditation we give ourselves the gift of calm inner waters so that our innate truth can shine brightly like a diamond on the bottom of a calm clear lake. Everytime we meditate, we acknowledge the eternal infinite aspect of ourselves and withdraw from any entanglements of the mind, we also naturally empower this voice of innate wisdom and it comes closer to the forefront. 

We can activate the voice of intuition through the tool of affirmations too. We can affirm: I am wise. I can trust my inner wisdom. I know what to do. All answers are already with me. I am intuitive. I give myself complete permission to follow my intuition. Wherever we place our attention we place our energy and so when we fully acknowledge the profound wisdom of the voice within, we empower it and make it stronger.

The body is a beautiful instrument of inner truth also. Inner yes is often accompanied by positive feelings of joy, warmth, heart-opening, expansion and relaxation. Inner no is spoken by body tensing or by uncomfortable feelings, often in the solar plexus (a gut feeling) and the heart. Ultimately you strengthen the voice of intuition by listening to it and acting from it in your everyday life as often as you can. As you chose to have this physical experience, your intuition comes fully alive through your inspired action, taking the steps you are guided to take. And so step by step your innate wisdom blossoms into many beautiful flowers of your manifested reality.

Lastly, it’s good to remember that following your intuition is very natural and in many ways you are already doing it. To get into an easy flow, it helps if you can let go of any perfectionism and even allow yourself to make mistakes. It’s far more important to learn to listen to and act from the place of intuition than “getting it right” every single time. As with everything in life, practice makes perfect. 

We are all magical beings of light and love with immense innate powers and the gift of intuition just helps us bring more magic, synchronicities, joy and wonder into our lives, so that we can live more effortlessly and let go of any struggle. It’s time!
I look forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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