Meditation Themes

Follow Your Joy

Dear Ones,

not many of us have been brought up to fully trust joy and the direction it leads us. For many of us growing up, joy was often marginalised and we were taught to make space for it only on special occasions like weekends, holidays, after “hard work” when one supposedly “deserved” to feel joyful. 

Not many of us have heard the message to make joy the heart of our life and allow it to fully lead us forward. But as we walk the spiritual path we inevitably reach the point where we realise that at the core of our being we ARE joy. And with this realisation comes naturally understanding that if we want to live in harmony with the deepest part of ourselves we have to live in harmony with joy, fully trusting it, its direction and the turns it often unexpectedly takes.  

For most of us at this point of human evolution the journey of joy involves letting go of old beliefs and patterns of unworthiness, undeservability and lack consciousness. And when we let go of those old patterns, joy can finally take the centre stage in our lives. To be able to fully trust joy, it usually helps to understand what it actually means: When we feel joy whether it is in the presence of a person, while focused on a creative project or being in a certain location, it means that this is in resonance with our true nature. Joy in that way is like a green signal, as a confirmation that we are moving in the right direction.

 And as much as we might make trusting joy complicated in our adulthood, as children we knew and lived its intrinsic simplicity. It’s built in us. We played and there was an organic movement in the flow of our play. We naturally engaged with joyful activities and people and when our joy changed its shape we trusted the change and moved with it. We didn’t have negative beliefs and judgements about this natural flow and change of the play. We still intuitively understood its supreme intelligence and precision with which it guides us forward.

Certainly, in adulthood the expressions of our joy change but the ability to discern if something or someone evokes joy in us and therefore is in harmony with our uniqueness is still the same. If we are honest and transparent with ourselves we know. And if we have the wisdom to let our joy guide us we’ll keep experiencing over and over that following joy brings more joy, expands joy and allows us to manifest more effortlessly in all areas of our lives. Joy replenishes the body and gives us vitality, makes the heart happy and keeps the mind clear. 

We also realise that true joy is not self-indulgent as the old ways of thinking often tried to persuade us. As we grow and expand in our joy, we realise the natural degrees of joy and as we take one joyful step after another we often realise that the greatest joy is in giving to others, helping them and sharing our gifts with them. 

We also come to know that this kind of giving to others has now a very different quality compared to if we were to follow the old ways rooted in “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”, morality without true life or joy. Our giving is now not only joyful but also authentic, it’s real and therefore a true gift, much more powerful, transformative and effective for the one who receives it. And so we witness joy reaching a full circle starting often humbly from following a natural individual interest and passion and gradually growing and blessing the whole world…

So are you ready to follow your joy, dearest One? 

 I look forward to meditating with you. 
 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme The Art of True Unconditional Love

This Saturday 29th July at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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