Meditation Themes

True Self-Worth

Dear Ones,

After many years of coaching and my own inner work I became increasingly aware that one of the most common obstacles to our overall thriving in life is a distorted sense of self-worth. Even those who on the outside look confident and sure of themselves often try to compensate for the feeling of I am not enough, whether it is with their words, actions, acquiring status, relationships, experiences or possessions. Believing that something external can ever take this hollow feeling away. But it’s like the proverbial cat chasing her own tail – we can’t get there from there! The reason is that nothing external – nothing we do or have can ever determine or describe our worth.

To truly understand who you are and your immense value you have to go beyond the conditioned mind/ego which constantly recycles old programs and lives in the world of describing, labeling and sorting things into the piles of good and bad. In other words it lives in the world of judgement. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to do so. As you move into the expansive infinite space of unconditional love and get in touch with your true nature, you’ll understand and know unequivocally your rightful place in the universe and your immense value just by being authentically you in this time and space. You’ll know that you are indestructible, eternal, irreplaceable, and an integral part of the infinite Universe. Then you’ll fully accept your place in the universe and your innate immense value. And only then you let your light shine and only then you’ll be able to live your life to the fullest. 

As your motivation is no longer infused with the poison of trying to prove your value which kept you running in circles for years or perhaps in decades, you might now feel like you are new to life, like your life is just beginning…And in a way it is!! You’ll feel all your potential and promise of the eternal spark within to live a life filled with genuine joy and happiness. As there is no other agenda now than to follow the authentic inner inspiration and joy, fully trusting the Divine within, your winged heart becomes stronger and stronger in its leadership. You won’t be afraid to step into the unknown, because you’ll know with such clarity that’s where life is. And your presence and anything you’ll say or do will create a beautiful resonance within the hearts of all living beings as your example is the most beautiful gift to all creation. 

Can you feel your immense self-worth now, dearest One?

I  look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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