Meditation Themes

Opening to Miracles

Dear Ones, 

We humans can be quite humorous really: We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, our hearts keep on beating, our lungs keep on breathing with no effort on our part and yet we don’t believe in miracles! So the big question is How did we get to this way of thinking where everything is taken for granted and nothing takes our breath away?

Maybe you remember the time in your life when you could see magic all around you? Perhaps when you were a child or fell in love? Can you remember the expanded state of being, when you are fully in the present moment and not caught in thinking about the past or the future? All filters of perception are stripped bare and you see reality in its true colours: You see magic and miracles everywhere you look…

I believe we all have perceived reality this way at the beginning of our physical lives and we can return to it again. For me the best word to describe this return is the word enlightenment. We already live in a reality where magic and miracles ARE happening every day. So the question is not so much about if miracles do happen or not but whether we can notice and appreciate them or not. 

The common denominator of those times when we could see them clearly as children or when we were in love is our wide open heart or even winged heart. A joyful heart full of curiosity, a heart which doesn’t judge, feels the need to close down, to protect itself or hide beyond any masks. A heart which lets love flow freely with no attachment to the outcomes. A heart which knows unequivocally that we are all One. 

When we let the winged heart to guide us, life reveals how blessed we already are. We start noticing miracles every day everywhere we go. And by the powerful law of attraction, whatever we give our attention we give our energy and expand it further we naturally then experience more and more miracles. 

Then it’s no longer about believing in miracles but knowing without doubt who you are beyond your temporary human experience: Remembering fully that you are a powerful being of light, a powerful creator and the source of your power is not the ego-self but the greater eternal infinite self manifesting as your open heart, your unconditionally loving heart which cannot help but create magic and miracles in your own life, in the life of your loved ones and also the whole humanity. 

And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, open your heart  and notice miracles in your life today and every day….  

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme Opening To Miracles

On Thursday 26th October at 10 am on Zoom and on Saturday 28th October at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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