Meditation Themes


“I embrace emerging experience, I participate in discovery. I am a butterfly. I am not a butterfly collector. I want the experience of the butterfly.” William Stafford 

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Dear Ones,

As many of us are integrating the inner and outer changes of the last few months, it is often accompanied with a realisation of “no coming back”. We’ve changed, the world around us has changed and so one of the chapters of our lives is undeniably closed now. 

But there is something new, something more real and honest emerging…Many of us can feel it and sense it, although often not see it yet fully manifested in the external world. In those moments it’s always good to acknowledge and appreciate the clarity we already have. Right now, at this moment. Even if there are just a few pieces of the puzzle not making much sense altogether yet, focusing on clarity will bring more clarity and focusing on confusion will bring more confusion. And as always the choice is yours…

Letting the new you emerge naturally is to learn to rest peacefully in the unknown, to rest in the unconditional love and support Source always has for you. And in this trusting undisturbed place free of worry the new will put down roots and in perfect divine timing grow further, blossom and eventually bear fruit. 

So whatever stage of emerging you are at, let it be enough. Proclaim it enough and let the supportive energies of the Universe show you more when you are ready for more…But for now, just let it be…Just for now…

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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