Meditation Themes

Your Innate Freedom

“Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?” Rumi

Dear Ones,
Freedom is another practice so worthy of your attention. The conditioned mind repeats the mantra that you are not free so frequently that after while you don’t even hear it anymore. But that doesn’t mean you are not under its spell. So this week take time to remind yourself of the truth your soul already knows and asks you to remember. Say to yourself lovingly these liberating words: “I am free and I always will be free”. Now stay with those words a little longer. Connect to their essence. Meditate on them and notice how your body responses, how your breath deepens and your heart opens. You might notice the signs of relief and relaxation. Maybe even of joy and elevation. Your heart and your body has an innate ability to recognise and resonate with that which is true. It’s time to trust it. It’s time to bask in the sweet energy of  this inner resonance. You are free no matter of your current outside manifestations. You have always been and you will always be FREE…
I am looking forward to meditating with you soon.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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