Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,
We human beings are so fascinating. Each of us is an unique aspect of the Divine, a unique expression of the Divine. And as this sacred connection to Source is forever, we all have immense powers and abilities within: Infinite beauty, infinite power, infinite love and wisdom, infinite abundance are the ways to describe our true nature. 

At the same time we are also human beings with all our human vulnerabilities. We’ve all been through conditioning which passed to us at least some negative beliefs which then created certain challenges and perhaps also difficult experiences. In other words at this point of human evolution we’ve all been wounded in one way or another. So the only difference between us is in which aspects of the self we were wounded, how deep these wounds are and to what degree they are already healed or still need our attention and healing.

One of the greatest gifts of being consciously on a spiritual journey is that with growing self-love and understanding of our eternal infinite nature we are able to see our human self more clearly and no longer take anything personally. We finally understand that we are no less worthy if we find that there is still something to heal or transform within us. 

We understand the immense unique value we each bring into this world just by our existence. This is such a great milestone in our inner journey and truly worth celebrating: We no longer have the unconscious need to hide any wounds from ourselves but in self-love we know we can embrace and heal them all. And so we consciously choose to be transparent to ourselves. From then on our healing journey becomes much easier, lighter and even joyful as we are now able to bring humour and laughter, no longer taking ourselves so seriously. I sense now is a very potent time to heal anything within us which still needs healing. It only requires our self-honesty and genuine desire to transform and reach a  higher expression of ourselves. 

One of the most common wounds we are asked to heal now is connected to our confidence. It’s based on the belief  I can’t. I am not capable…. No matter when or why we each started to subscribe to this false belief about ourselves, it’s good to remind ourselves that we CAN let it go and no longer be held back by it in life. 

This is where the knowing of our own Divinity and who we really are can serve us well. When we truly understand that if we exist there is a reason for our existence and that we are here to express our gifts and talents freely and with confidence. We understand that we already have everything we need to move successfully through any challenges within and without. We realise we are much more resourceful and powerful than most of us were taught to believe. 

And one of the most effective ways to heal any confidence issues is to become aware of our inner monologue, the way we talk to ourselves in our mind. As children we often internalised the opinions of others. If the opinions were positive and encouraging they serve us well as positive beliefs about our abilities. But if the opinions were critical or negative we often continued this inner negative self-talk, and so often quite unconsciously we became our own worst enemy.

Becoming aware of this negative self-talk is the first step. And then if we can learn to catch it at the beginning it makes it much easier to let it go.  Anytime you notice the inner critic saying: I can’t… I am not capable. You could reverse it. You could pause and take a deep breath, and start practising a positive supportive and encouraging self-tak : I CAN. I am capable. I am powerful. And soon you’ll realise that with this loving voice within everything becomes much easier and you’ll see for yourself that you are capable of many wonderful things. Probably things you couldn’t even think of in this moment. 

A belief is only a thought you keep thinking, so soon your inner encouraging voice becomes a positive strengthening belief or even deeper knowingness of who you truly are. Your confidence will emerge naturally and like a beautiful plant it will grow stronger and stronger. 

What we know unequivocally we act effortlessly on. So you will start feeling more inspired to step into the unknown and new in some ways. Perhaps trying something you have never tried before. And you might notice that this inspired action strengthens your confidence even more. Thoughts of self-doubt, fear or insecurity start appearing less and less and when they do you can let them go much more easily, no longer giving them power over you and your life. And in perfect divine timing you are like a child in a playground of infinite possibilities following your highest excitement. The most dominant voice within is now lovingly saying:  I CAN. I am capable. 

I look forward to meditating with you,

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme: Confidence

On Thursday 11th April at 10 am on Zoom & Saturday 13th April at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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