Meditation Themes


“When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” Lao Tzu

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Dear Ones,

I cherish autumn…The air filled with ripening apples, smoke and fallen leaves…Feeling that something is coming a full circle…Like the bright Hunter’s full moon we’ve just had. Shining it’s silvery light and illuminating the ripening both within and without. I notice that I’ve learnt something new about myself and life in the year so far and I can appreciate it more and more. With every year I seem to become more receptive to the magic of changing colours, cosy evenings and joy of something completed. Just for now. Before the irresistible urge of the new, unknown yet magnetic moves my heart to set off for yet another adventure…So dear One, draw this circle with me now. Your circle, your culmination, your harvest. And let the appreciation and self- love guide your sight. Even if your harvest is realising that you are done with something, a pattern, habit, addiction , co-dependency or something more tangible. Then your harvest is clarity and that’s certainly a great blessing…Now as you let gratitude guide you, take it one step further. Open energetically to infinite abundance on all levels. And if “infinite” feels out of reach expand your thoughts of what’s possible for you as far as it’s reachable. And do it for the whole world too. For everyone. See everyone thriving. And know that you are doing something powerful. Know that as you are releasing the thoughts of lack and limitation you are healing and expanding not only your consciousness but also the collective one. So that the next year’s harvest will bring even more joy….You are blessed. You are Love. You are Abundance…

I am looking forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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