Meditation Themes

Change and Transformation

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude” Oprah Winfrey

Dear Ones,

I more and more understand that a broader intention of my soul for this life is to bring a positive change…It’s not that I always knew this on a conscious level, it’s more like a gradual and continuing awakening and remembering of who I am. It feels my work is so much about helping others to remember their eternal sacred identity too…And it brings me so much joy when they DO remember…When they do let go of any outdated constricting thoughts, beliefs and dead external structures and let their light shine brightly and freely…I sense we are just approaching another major energy shift both personally and collectively. A powerful time of clarity and consequently change. So if you notice at this time that you’ve outgrown anything internally and/or externally in your life, don’t cling to it any longer. Now it’s the time to let it go and let the Universe remove it from your life. Like the autumn wind releases trees from the unnecessary burden of dead leaves, this shift too will leave you renewed, refreshed and lighter. If you trust it. So don’t let any insecurities and fears define you and your life now. You would miss the point! You are much greater and brighter than you’ve ever thought possible and this shift is here to help you to experience your true power. You are incredibly powerful when you are centred in your heart, listen to it and follow its profound guidance. Gradually awakening to the expansive and connective love within and letting it guide you in all your choices. This is not just a sentimental remark, this is what the world needs right now – to shift from living from head to living from heart while truly recognising that the whole humankind is one’s family and the whole Earth is one’s home. Living from a place of fearful control based in illusion of lack, limitation, separation and disconnection doesn’t really create the happiness we all seek and deserve both personally and collectively. It’s simply time to release it. So that the new heart centred reality can emerge victoriously…And while you are allowing this profound change within and without, know that a void of unknown is an integral part of any transformation. Trust its creative potential of infinite possibilities and avoid the temptation to force any answers and new solutions before you are truly ready to receive them. Trust the void instead. If you do trust it, the new will emerge with the same glory and in perfect timing as surely and naturally as a new dawn after the darkest hour…

I am looking forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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