Meditation Themes

Summer Solstice and the Light of Awareness

Dear Ones,

Today on the Summer Solstice with its longest day of the year, we are reminded of both the external and also the internal sun – our inner light. No doubt we need both. Without the physical sun life on planet Earth is impossible and without the inner light our days would be dark no matter what season we are going through… 

The good news is the inner light is always there and can’t ever be diminished by any life experience. It is eternal, infinite and indestructible…It can only be temporarily obscured, covered by clouds of our thoughts and feelings, sometimes dark and heavy but even in the midst of the wildest storm, the blue sky is always there…If we only remember…And this wide blue sky is who we really are, this loving awareness, this divine presence in which the content of our ever changing life arises…The loving awareness that we are is stable and never changing, while everything else including our body and personality is always changing. 

It is a great cosmic joke that we seek for all the happiness externally, while the everlasting happiness is already within each of us! It might show as feeling joyous and loving without reason or as peace and serenity…This loving awareness, this infinite expansive being which is already in natural connection and communion with everything and everyone clearly sees the unity and oneness of all living beings. And once we start truly understanding this innate happiness we can always consciously relax into it and call it more to the forefront. Usually we are so identified with our body/mind that it is in the background…

So if you feel inspired let’s do so right now, as what better day to connect to the inner light than the Summer solstice?! Your true nature is so close that it’s easy to miss it all together, it’s been with you since birth till now…At this moment you might be aware of these words on the screen, maybe there are some sounds you are aware of too? Are there any thoughts or feelings you are aware of right now? This is the content of your awareness. Now withdraw your attention from the content  – whether external or internal – and just rest in the awareness itself, in the infinite effortless being that you are. Does it have any borders? Does it have any beginning or end? Is it born and will it die?

Now, just stay there for a few moments…Can you feel the happiness within?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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