Meditation Themes

Everlasting Peace

Dear Ones,
It’s such a gift to dive into peace within. It’s good to know that peace is something you don’t have to make happen. You already are this exquisite joyful peace. It is your true nature. You only need to notice it, allow it and give it more space in your life. It’s like friends you choose and spend time with. They bring certain qualities into your life. Once you recognise how peace, calm and serenity can enrich your life, you’ll naturally make it one of your priorities. It will be a friend you’ll want to be with often. 

The mind in its addiction to drama might tell you that allowing more peace in your life is not that very interesting. But if you don’t let it stop you, even your mind will benefit enormously from basking in eternal everlasting peace. Peace like a deep calm lake will renew and regenerate your body, your mind and your spirit.  Crystal clear serenity will reveal all the gifts and blessings within you and your life. It will make you more sensitive and in tune with everything that is for your highest good. The deepest stillness will create a divine harmony and reveal ideas and points of view you didn’t think of before.  

And so how can you allow more peace and calm in your life right now? Your intention for more serenity would be a good start. And so is a deeper understanding that your very essence is peace. To remind yourself of this truth you could use the affirmation: I am peace. Then notice anything which naturally helps you to allow more peace and calm in your life. It might be meditation, being in nature, simplifying your life, doing something you love or being with someone you love. You could make those things and people your priority, but at the same time don’t make your peace conditional and dependent on anything external. Be very clear with yourself that any conditions are only helping you to get in touch with the peace and calm which is already within you. Those lovely circumstances are not the source of your peace. You are. Once you allow peace everyday, you’ll soon be able to be peaceful even in the most chaotic or challenging circumstances. But don’t just take my word for it. Make peace your best friend and see what happens?

I  look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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