Meditation Themes

The Journey of Unconditional Self-Love

If I love myself, I love you. If I love you, I love myself.” Rumi

Dear Ones,

It seems to me that with each new generation there is – generally speaking – less forgetfulness about who we really are…And it makes sense because with each new generation there is more understanding of what it means to bring up a happy child and so the whole conditioning process happens in a gentler way. There is more consideration for the wholeness and complexities of a human being and so children experience more and more closely what unconditional love is. They naturally then apply it to everyone and everything around them. And so although we still have to have a discussion about many themes in our current society whether it is gender or racial equality or ecology, they already carry an innate understanding of these themes and no discussion on their part is necessary any more. They too will have certain themes and challenges to work with but it seems to be a whole other level of the game and that makes me feel very hopeful and excited about the future of humanity.

Most of us in the “bridging generation” didn’t receive unconditional love in our early years. But this is not a curse either. It has an immense value to find unconditional love for ourselves consciously in our adulthood. It is part of our journey I believe we chose. And I would say what a beautiful theme it is as so many generations before us didn’t have the opportunity, the understanding, the knowledge or the tools to learn to love themselves unconditionally.

And so the question is: How do we love ourselves unconditionally? Our imagination is one of the greatest gifts we each have. Each of us has impeccable inner guidance and imagination is one of the keys. So if you feel inspired you can ask yourself right now: How can I love myself unconditionally? and then notice any ideas you receive for your own unique path.

In a way what we are doing here is parenting ourselves in an enlightened way, the way we would have liked to be parented. Knowing how powerful and creative our focus is, naturally expanding anything we focus on, we can consciously choose to focus more dominantly on our gifts, talents, strengths and our divinity. We can learn to respect ourselves, encourage ourselves, support ourselves and learn to believe in ourselves even if no one else does. 

In unconditional self-love we are not in denial of our human weaknesses and shortcomings but we choose not to judge but instead learn to embrace ourselves fully and accept all our human ups and downs. Accepting, embracing things as they are is paradoxically one of the most powerful transformative approaches. As everytime we embrace any of our weaknesses exactly at the same moment they start transforming: Acceptance is like a balm healing the wound which created the experience of a particular flaw or weakness. 

And so, in true unconditional love we grow, step by step, little by little. We learn to keep the heart open, embracing all feelings we might experience. We witness our heart gradually expanding until it embraces not only ourselves but all living beings. Every little step on the sacred journey of self-love is worth it. And because somewhere on the way we let go also of perfectionism and the illusion that “one day we can get it all done” maybe for the first time we can truly see clearly that the journey really is the destination…And what a beautiful journey it is! The journey of true unconditional self-love…

I look forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme The Journey of Unconditional Self-Love

On Saturday 7th October at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GM

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