Meditation Themes

You Are Joy

Dear Ones,

It’s so important to have joy in your life! The reason is that joy is who we are at the core of our being and so when we allow joy to lead us, guide us, inspire us and sustain us, we’ll always stay close to the truth of who we are and nothing can ultimately go wrong…But it’s good to be aware that many of us were conditioned not to trust joy completely and learnt to hold back. For many, joy was something which was only allowed in small portions,  “after hard work”, at the weekends or on holidays. 

But this mistrust or marginalising of joy is not something which is natural. It is learnt, a belief of the previous generations in the necessity of suffering, a program many of us received. But if you just spend some time with children or young people, you’ll see that their connection to joy is tangible, visible and very real. They haven’t forgotten yet who they are. And it feels to me with each new generation this natural connection to joy is somehow stronger and stronger. In my visions I see joy taking over the whole world one day. Can you imagine a world where everyone follows their joy? 

When we allow joy and lightness to be at the core of all we are and do, life becomes truly magical. It flows effortlessly. We are energised by it and attract wonderful synchronicities as by the powerful law of attraction, joy attracts more joy.

So how do we return to this natural blissful way of being and living? It starts with the way we think of joy. When we recognise and truly understand its wisdom and immense organising power, we’ll naturally start trusting its call. We remember how simple it is too. Something within us already loves joy and with astonishing accuracy detects what brings us more joy. We naturally feel drawn to certain people, places, work and creative projects and experiences. Once we stop holding back and say yes to joy more often, we’ll open the door to extraordinary life. And when we notice what happens when we fully trust and follow the impulse and inspiration which comes from joy, we’ll naturally start trusting it more and won’t want to walk any other path than the path of joy…Are you ready, dearest One? 

I  look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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