Meditation Themes

You Are Powerful

“All your power is in the awareness of that power. ” Rhonda Byrne

Dear Ones,

It’s so easy to get into an inner state where you somehow forget how powerful you really are and that life is happening from you and not to you. Once you get into the habit observing what’s already happening in the manifested world around you and react to it in a sort of automatic way – something “good” happens you are happy, something “bad” happens you are unhappy – you are already giving your power away. The point of your power is always in the now. And everything in your life can be transformed through your powerful perspective. You are not a victim. Maybe you are not so aware yet where your focus really is and what you energetically draw into your experience, but once it arrives whether it pleases you or not, seek consciously the positive, the silver lining, the solution, the growth and expansion. Every time you do so, you affirm your power. Until you remember completely who you really are – a powerful eternal being of light and love. The world is your oyster! Jana x x

You Are Powerful is this week’s meditation theme on Wednesday 7th February at 7pm at Intrinsic Health in Lewes and on Saturday 10th at 11.30 am at Tree of Life Centre in Hove.

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