Meditation Themes


“Let us accept the invitation, ever-open, from the Stillness, taste its exquisite sweetness, and heed its silent instruction.” Paul Brunton

Dear Ones,

Serenity is such a gift and it’s available to all of us all the time. It is who we are at the very core of our being…All we have to do is to retreat to this beautiful inner sanctuary we all possess. And meditation is one of the wonderful ways to do so…I love life and the adventure of life, but it’s so easy to get caught in the external reality. Like a fish in the net. Whether something really good or something considered as bad, once we develop an attachment to it, we are like a fish caught in the net. We can’t flow easily. We lose our freedom…This doesn’t mean to avoid life or detach from those we love in a cool manner. It’s more about finding the right balance…When I devote a regular time to meditation, it helps me to flow with the stream of life more easily, effortlessly and joyfully. I can enjoy life but I am not enslaved by it and its diverse experiences. I am not fooled so easily by it either. I know what it is, a magical ever changing manifestation of our thoughts and feelings, but it doesn’t have a life of its own. It’s forever fuelled by the eternal, infinite and magnificent spirit of who I really am – and everybody is – and so to come back and
directly connect to who I am, helps me to find the right perspective. It reconnects me to my infinitely loving heart and to peace and serenity within my heart…Serenity known so well by all Angels and Saints…Serenity which like a divine mother opens her arms widely and I can rest my head on her shoulder… Serenity like a beautiful swan emerging on a calm crystal clear lake…

I look forward to meditating with you.
 Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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