Meditation Themes

Go With The Flow

“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” Lao Tzu

Dear Ones,
As the one is the all and the all are the one, there isn’t ever time we can be disconnected from Source and benevolent energies of the Universe. We can sometimes create an illusion of disconnection through our beliefs but no matter how real it might feel it is still just an illusion. It’s like a mirage, it looks real but when we try to touch it, we discover that it doesn’t have any real substance. 

The mind can be a master of creating such mirages, but it’s good to know that they can live only on fear based beliefs of lack and limitation. And anytime we can see these beliefs clearly for what they really are – false and not true, it’s like taking off a blindfold. Such moments are to be truly acknowledged and celebrated as they pave the path to our true liberation.

And so let’s just reconnect to the truth that we are all already guided and that the stream of the river of our lives already flows in the right direction carrying us forward and we can trust it completely. Although we can’t sometimes see through its many meanders where the river is taking us, if we can relax into it and not struggle against its current, the ride on the river becomes much more pleasant and enjoyable. 

Not struggling against the stream means making peace with the present moment and knowing that we don’t have to have all the answers right now. Knowing that they will reveal themselves in perfect timing and perfect ways. This is again one of those paradoxes. As when we demand the answers to our questions, the solutions to our problems we only prolong the waiting but when we let go in trust we often receive the answers and solutions instantly. 

And so if you find yourself paddling upstream at this moment, working too hard but not actually moving forward, just let go, dearest One. Feel the stream and let it carry you. Feel the ease of the flow, resting in your natural goodness and deservability and know that all is well. You are loved unconditionally. You are supported. You are guided. Can you feel it now?

I look forward to meditating to you,

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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