Meditation Themes

Choose Love Not Fear

“Because I always have a choice, I choose love.” Deepak Chopra

Dear Ones,
the time of change and transformation we are going through is so powerful. Can you feel it too? It’s shaking us in our roots. It’s shaking us to wake up to who we really are, to our true nature of pure awareness which is free, unlimited, eternal, abundant, infinite, unconditionally loving. And part of this awakening can be that anything which is not in alignment with this highest truth is coming up to the surface. 

As the New Earth will operate from love and not fear any more, especially our unresolved fears and insecurities can appear now. But not to complicate our lives, but actually to heal them, transform them and elevate them. And so the challenges we might be facing right now actually bring a precious potential for us to become genuinely more happy than ever before – if we can let go of our fears, not buy into them and not let them control us any longer. 

Essentially we have only two choices – love or fear. And any of our decisions we make from either of these two places. Any choice we make from a place of love will expand our life experience, bringing us more joy, love and abundance and any choice we’ll make from a place of fear will contract our life experience, further perpetuating the false belief in lack and limitation. 

With our privilege of free will comes this powerful choice we all have and the healing process asks us to be totally honest with ourselves and notice whether we operate from fear or from love in any given moment. Again we don’t have to judge ourselves, as judging – whether others or ourselves – comes from a place of fear. We can be both truthful and at the same time gentle with ourselves. Anytime your fears surface you could pause and ask yourself: What would I have to believe to feel this fear? Then you could write the answers down and meditate on them and see if those beliefs are really true or false. 

The other way to dissolve fears is to embrace them, welcome them, fully accept them. As what we resist persists, the opposite is true as well. The moment we embrace any situation it already starts transmuting for the better. So to do this you could just pause, imagine your heart completely open and your arms completely open and then just be totally present with the feeling of fear, embracing it like a frightened child. It might intensify for a moment but soon enough you feel it dissolving. 

Choose love. Living from a place of love is like homecoming. Love is who you are. Love, joy and happiness are synonymous and are within you right now as you are reading these words. And you have the power to choose them right now. To fully remember who you are it can be helpful to retreat regularly, especially in those times when the outside world is caught in its dramas. This meditation is one of the many ways you can retreat and remember. 

The outside world will forever continue to change and if you wait for everything to be perfect outside to feel good and happy, you will postpone your happiness forever. And it’s not even how it works, as the external world is nothing more than a reflection of the inner world. Everything starts with you, dearest One…So if you feel inspired, retreat now and remember… 

I look forward to meditating with you,

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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