Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,

 I love the way spring awakens us to the highest truth of magic, mystery and enchantment. No matter how many times we’ve seen the rebirth of colourful blossoms and green leaves, one would have to have a heart of stone not to feel enchanted by its beauty once again. And if we allow it the same renewal naturally happens within us: We fall in love with life once again and in the moment we do we know that this means we are fully receiving the gift of life once again. 

Energetically we cannot perceive what we are not in the vibration of. The vibration or in other words our state of being always determines what we are able to see and also what at the same time remains invisible to us. In enchantment we see the world from one of the highest perspectives available to us. We can perceive the magic which is there all the time but in our winter slumber we just couldn’t see: The grand mystery we live every day and often become blind to and like sleepwalkers take everything and everyone for granted, stubbornly refusing to unwrap the precious gifts of life. 

In awe and wonder we are right at the heart of life and what truly matters. We are no longer interested in thoughts of the past or future as the aliveness of the moment connects us instantly to the truth that our life is happening in the now. Always in the now. Now being the only place where we can meet life with fresh immediacy and make it what we want it to be. Like a child holding a magic wand, we remember that we are powerful co-creators with the Divine and in an instant we let go of any limitations we previously placed on ourselves. And so enchantment has the power to free us from the human illusion that life is not offering us much: We become aware that life is always offering everything and not withholding anything. And when we can see it, we can finally receive its many wonderful gifts and from now on let the magic be our way of living. 

And so dearest One, if you are inspired allow your heart be enchanted this spring and see what happens…

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join Us for Meditation with the Theme Enchantment

Thursday 30th at 10 am on Zoom and Saturday 1st April at 11.30* am ot the Tree of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. (* GMT)

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