Meditation Themes

Opening to Inspiration for 2019

Dear Ones,
I am wishing you a very happy new year! Every new year is such a wonderful opportunity to start new and fresh. It’s like a blank page, like the next chapter of your life and it’s only up to you what’s your new story is going to be about. Although each moment of your life is exactly this, a field of infinite possibilities where through your focus you activate and in good time manifest one of those possibilities, the new year energy highlights this even further. It is because “the new and fresh” is on the mind of many people and so it all becomes much easier through the power of collective consciousness. So if you are contemplating changes for some time, now is the time to jump, as the current will carry you further. Your inner alignment is the only requirement. The thought of that jump has to call you, has to feel good, excite you, thrill you. That’s how you know you are ready and that’s how you know you’ll land well. Your feelings are your guidance. I don’t really believe in feel the fear and do it anyway, because your fear means you are not ready YET. But the good news is, that you can get ready much quicker than you think. And with each thought you ponder you are getting either more ready or less ready. Good-feeling, life giving thoughts will always align you with your intentions and thoughts based in fear, lack and limitation will always move you further away from who you really are and those thoughts will always feel bad.
As we start this year I invite you to take some time, ponder and meditate about the supreme truth, that your life is a gift…Just stay with that thought for a little bit. Come back to it regularly, feel it in your heart and each cell of your body. Let it permeate your whole being. This will naturally activate your inner guidance and highlight the next step of your life journey. Then do one more thing. This week consciously practice openness. Openness of your heart, of your mind and your all being. Let go of everything you know. Let go of your old story. Let go of who you think you are or who you think you should be. Just experience the gift of your pure existence with no rigid thought holding you back. That’s how you dive into the field of infinite possibilities. And that’s how you also open to the best possibility. In this total openness then ask the Universe – Your Higher Self, Source, God or however you call this immense unconditional Love – ask for inspiration, insight and guidance about this year. This is a state of relaxed receptivity, listening and noticing. No striving or force is necessary, so release it through your breath every time you notice it. The Universe is like your best friend, always on your side and having your back, always whispering the next step. So this week notice this sweet whisper, which could manifest like your own empowering thoughts, words of someone who you know really cares for you, words in a song you hear on the radio which resonate with you deeply, signs in nature which stir something within you…There are endless ways how Universe can speak to you…We will also open to the Divine guidance in our first meditation of this year. Last year it brought such great insights for me, so I am really looking forward to this one and also to seeing you all again, beautiful souls!
Lots of love,
Jana x x

Join us for this theme on the 10th January at 9.30 am at Intrinsic Health in Lewes.

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