Meditation Themes

Your Dreams and Wishes

“I have spread my dreams beneath your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” W. B. Yeats

Dear Ones,
I am a dreamer…I truly treasure the moments of inspiration, this soft space of daydreaming, where the beauty of the seen and unseen worlds seems to reveal itself suddenly and completely…Like the stage curtains in a theatre open in perfect timing… And in my enchantment and anticipation I can suddenly see more…I can see further…I can see more clearly…I can see this divine perfection within everything and everyone…

Here I can talk to Angels and they can talk to me…No words are necessary for our conversations as telepathy is the unspoken language of those in love…And I love entering this landscape of my wishes and dreams, this space with no borders where anything can happen…I bring no attachment, no holding too tight, because here I always remember that if I hold too tight everything disappears in an instant…And so I am gentle with my dreams and wherever I go here I leave only the footsteps of love and reverence behind me…The more love I bring with me the more beauty is uncovered to my delight and surprise…I am a frequent guest here, I can enter whenever I am thirsty and need to drink from the fresh water of my imagination…And then all is well again
Are you a dreamer too, beautiful soul? And is it time for you to reconnect to your dreams and wishes?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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