Meditation Themes


“Let silence take you to the core of life.” Rumi

Dear Ones,
your true nature is free, unlimited, infinite, eternal. So as freedom is who you are at your very core, any thought or belief which contradicts this highest truth, will feel off, uncomfortable or even painful. Simply because it’s not true and deep down you already know it.

To dissolve any manifested limitation in our lives we have to first dissolve the limitation in the mind. It’s good to know that a thought of limitation doesn’t have any manifesting power unless you believe it to be true. But you’ll believe it to be true as long as you believe that you are limited. So to be truly stable in your knowing of your limitless free nature, you have to experience it first, you have to allow yourself to be it first in your everyday life.

Then it will not be easy for your mind to persuade you otherwise. Once you know and are stable in your knowing of who you really are, you’ll naturally recognise any thoughts of limitation and bondage as an illusion, as false and you’ll release them instantly. Not giving your power away any more.

No doubt that you already give much attention to your manifested self – your body, your name, your life story so far. The conditioning does this to all of us…But it takes some time for all of us to accept and solely identify with the name the adults around us start calling us when we are little. It takes some time to totally identify with the body we all have only for a certain period of time. But at some point, most agree somewhere between 2- 3 years old, the hypnotising mantra – your name – will do the trick and you’ll start forgetting who you are and your oneness with Source and all living beings. From then on you’ll start identifying exclusively with the separate self. The story of separation has begun…

But to live fully and truly happily we can’t discard the greater part of ourselves. We have to remember once again, embracing and returning back to the freedom of true self. It is a sacred invitation of awakening many of us have already received in this lifetime. And me writing to you today is this also, an invitation to return back to who you are, back to your true nature. Back to your freedom.

So if you are ready to accept this invitation right now, just pause. You can close your eyes or you can leave them open. Just be as you are. Being aware. Noticing anything happening internally, bodily sensations, your thoughts and your feelings. And noticing anything externally, sounds etc. In this moment you are the sacred witness, you only are. Just resting in your true nature, in your pure awareness. Now does it have any borders? Does it have any beginning? Does it have any end? Do you have to make it “happen” or are you always it? Are you free or are you limited? 

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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