Meditation Themes

Prosperity Consciousness

Dear Ones,

If you feel inspired, do a little experiment with me. Go back in time and imagine that you were born into a family where all members of the family knew unequivocally that we all already live in an infinitely abundant Universe. Imagine that your parents would often point out abundance in all forms to you so you were able to notice it and appreciate it often. Imagine heart-centred generosity was your everyday experience. Imagine your parents would tell you since you were little that you lived in a loving and supportive Universe and that you could relax and trust in the goodness of life.

And imagine your parents would tell you that money is energy, one of the symbols of abundance and that you could see it as your friend and allow it flow prosperously and in balance both to you and also from you. Imagine you were told from a very young age that at your core you are Divine, good and deserve your heart’s true desires to be fulfilled. What kind of human being would you become? How would you be in the world? How would you walk? How would you talk? What would your life look like? If you feel inspired you can close your eyes now and just savour the vision and positive feelings, grounding them in your heart and in each cell of your body. 

What you’ve just done was practicing vibration/energy of abundance. And although you might wish you had childhood just like this so you wouldn’t have to work on prosperity consciousness now, I believe on a soul level we choose our families, culture and time of our birth perfectly so that we activate certain themes the soul is interested to explore in this lifetime. And so, many of us are exploring the theme of abundance, sometimes making the journey from one polar opposite to the other to fully understand what it means to be truly abundant: Perhaps being first fed with ideas and examples of lack and limitation and experiences of not-enough so that we can later on consciously step by step, layer by layer, rediscover that the world is not as we’ve been told it is. Step by step we then rediscover the ultimate truth of infinite possibilities, opportunities and abundance, both internally and externally. 

And as long as you know where you are going, being focused on the destination of abundance, prosperity and well-being, you’ll get there in perfect divine timing and perfect divine ways. But because you might have been conditioned to believe more in lack than infinite abundance the journey will require you being honest and transparent with yourself, being aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns.  As you can’t bring your not-enough attitude and create prosperity, you can’t bring your old fears of lack and limitation and create abundance and you can’t carry old judgements about money and rich people and create wealth. You have to make a clear choice every day. So especially at the beginning this inner journey will require your full commitment. 

At the beginning it might even feel like you take one step forward and two or three back. But if you love yourself and support yourself in the process and are consistent, you soon start building a momentum of abundance. And at some point you “break through the atmosphere” and it will be easier and feel more natural to think thoughts of abundance than thoughts of lack and limitation. Around the same time your life experience will start reflecting your new beliefs of prosperity back to you so the positive momentum will be reinforced by your life experience. The momentum will now carry you forward. And you might never look back…

And so, dearest One, wherever you are on the path of abundance, appreciate each step you take. You walk it not only for yourself but for many who will follow in your footsteps. If you can celebrate each little progress, it all becomes much easier and effortless. So keep going, dearest One, and make sure you pause and appreciate every little view your very unique journey offers. As always, the journey is the destination… 

I look forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme Prosperity Consciousness

On Saturday 18th November at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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