Meditation Themes

The Universe Has Your Back

Dear Ones,

It’s so good to remind each other that the unconditionally loving Universe is always on our side. Especially if we find ourselves at the crossroads or going through a difficult time, we can relax into a deeper knowing that we are loved, supported and guided. This inner knowing can be like an oasis where we can pause, rest, rejuvenate and replenish. We realise we only need to take it step by step, day by day and trust that everything will work out perfectly. And it always does no matter how it looks on the surface. Sometimes things might not work out according to our agendas but that doesn’t necessarily mean that something went wrong. 

If we can stay open and not attached to particular outcomes, the Universe often reveals something new, unexpected and much better than what we had originally in mind. And when we know without doubt that the Universe always conspires to deliver that which is for our highest good and if we stay in a positive state of mind we will be able not only to recognise the new path but also to trust it completely. 

This doesn’t mean abandoning ourselves, our values and intentions for life, but rather not being attached to one particular way of manifestation, being flexible and open to all possibilities. True nature of the Universe is unlimited and infinite and so for one question there are many answers and for one challenge there are many solutions. And if we can stay grounded in our open heart the path of least resistance will lead us naturally and effortlessly to the desired destination. 

And so, dearest One, can you let go and trust the way your life unfolds? 

I look forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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