Meditation Themes

Go With The Flow

Dear Ones,

Sometimes life brings unexpected things on our path. The ego usually doesn’t like it when things don’t go as planned but the soul knows that there is nothing against her and so she embraces all life experience and naturally flows with them. Knowing that whatever is happening is happening for a reason. 

Most of us haven’t been taught to have this primal trust in life and go with its flow. And so often we swim and struggle against its stream making life much more difficult than it needs to be… I understand more and more that we – as unique aspects of the Divine – are always blessed. The blessing is either obvious and everyone can see it or it’s more hidden and usually comes in the form of learning. We might learn to trust more, to love more, to be more patient or compassionate just to name a few. 

Once we have the clarity that life is here for us and not against us we naturally relax more and allow the stream to carry us forward effortlessly and easily. Harmony then naturally arises in all aspects of our life. And because most of us haven’t been taught this unwavering trust in the Universe/Life/Source it’s good to remind each other and affirm it as we’ll do in this week’s meditation: That we are safe no matter what current circumstances are. That we can relax and trust the natural direction of our lives. That we are held and that we are unconditionally loved and supported. Like a loving mother holds her child in her arms, we are each held in the arms of the benevolent and loving Universe.  And whenever we need to we can just take a deep breath and allow ourselves to rest in those loving arms and know that all is well no matter how it looks…

I  look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 

Jana xx

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