Meditation Themes

The Wisdom of the Heart

Dear Ones,

your heart is infinitely wise. It just knows the way and if you trust it, it will guide you forward with impeccable precision. Although this sounds very simple and at its core it is, most of us are conditioned to trust the mind and analytical thinking more than the intuitive and often unexplainable and mysterious wisdom of the heart. And so we are conditioned to weigh up all cons and pros rather than simply dropping into the heart space and with courage navigate from there.

The mind is a great tool and certainly has its place in life but it’s not meant to be our guide. The mind is habitual, a set of programs given to us in childhood we often unconsciously repeat. And so when we operate predominantly from the mind space we are always trying to predict what’s going to happen next and the mind encourages us to take only well calculated steps and more often than not to repeat what we already did in the past in some ways. As a result our life might be safe but very likely quite predictable and so often with no real zest for life we’ll move from birth to death. Living but not really living as there is always an unspoken fear or insecurity holding us back. 

The heart on the other hand is intimately connected to your innate truth and won’t let you steer away from what really matters to you in this lifetime. It doesn’t always give you logical reasons why a certain direction is good for you to follow. At times it might be wild and unpredictable like untamed wild horses who won’t be satisfied with anything less than wild open spaces. But if you are brave and courageous to follow its guidance the chances are you’ll live your life to the fullest. Yes, at times you might misunderstand the quiet voice of your heart and you might not always get it “right” but your life will be your own and you won’t be among the far too many people who at the end of their life regret that they played it too safe and never really had courage to follow their dreams…The choice – as always – is yours, dearest One… 

 I look forward to meditating with you.

 Lots of love, 

Jana xx

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