Meditation Themes

The Greatest Version Of Yourself

Dear Ones,
Imagine that from a very young age you’ve been told that you already live in a friendly and loving Universe and that you can trust yourself and how your life unfolds. Imagine you’ve been told that although life naturally brings challenges they are there not to punish you or stop you from following your dreams but instead to reveal something new about yourself and your life. And so that each challenge is actually a hidden gift and as you move through it and receive the gift fully a new higher version of you emerges naturally. Imagine you’ve been told that your life is an adventure, full of possibilities and can be truly joyful if you don’t take yourself too seriously…How would you live if this would be the first and most dominant story you heard?

The chances are that you didn’t receive a self-empowering message like this in your childhood. The chances are your early story had at least some elements of disempowerment and perhaps it made you believe in limitations and that you are a victim of external circumstances. 

I sense our early years and therefore our conditioning didn’t happen by chance but rather was a free choice made on a soul level. We knew it would activate the themes our soul is interested to explore in this lifetime. And so in that sense none of us ever actually was or is a victim of any circumstance or doomed to live an unhappy or unfulfilled life. In other words, we could say that we wanted to play the game of this life with certain cards and see what we can do with them. 

Seeing our life as a divine play or game helps us to reconnect again to more lightness as we often did in our childhood or early youth. It brings us back to the truth of who we are and what it is all about. When we start awakening to the truth that we chose our early story consciously at the same time we also start remembering that we can choose another story anytime. We start remembering that we are powerful creators and can anytime tap into the field of infinite possibilities and choose the highest version of ourselves and our lives. And we become also fully aware that we always become the story we keep telling about ourselves. 

We realise that we tell the story of who we are not just through our words but also through our beliefs, thoughts and feelings first. Yes, our words and actions reveal the story we keep telling about ourselves too but more as a natural consequence of what we already set in motion internally. And although most people around us can see the story we keep telling about ourselves clearly, it paradoxically and quite humorously seems often invisible to ourselves.

 It becomes our second nature. Like a familiar old coat you wore for a long time so you don’t feel it anymore. And even though the story you keep telling about yourself might not serve you and might not be the greatest story you could tell, somehow it feels so normal to you, that you could even say “natural”.  And in this seemingly natural way it becomes simply invisible to you. 

That’s when the light of awareness becomes our best friend: Being aware when we tell the old story. Knowing unequivocally that we can drop the old story anytime. Perhaps even in the middle of a sentence we might stop and just drop it, recognising clearly that even just continuing with the sentence we are not helping ourselves. Because if we truly are this powerful infinite eternal being of light and love, why would we choose anything less than that?

And so, dearest One, are you ready to let go of any old stories which don’t serve you any longer? Are you ready to start telling a new story? Perhaps a story of overflowing joy, true love, inspiring friendship, vibrant vitality, great adventure, infinite abundance, absolute freedom or full enlightenment? Only you know what is the story you truly want to tell. Now is the time…

I look forward to meditating with you. 

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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