Meditation Themes


“Intuition is the whisper of the soul.” Krishnamurti

Dear Ones,
Would you agree that most of us think way too much? Being born into the society which lives predominantly in the head we soon follow the ways of our well-meaning teachers and parents and gradually forget what we knew so well as children: That sometimes we just know without knowing why. The silent voice of intuition and its impeccable guidance gets lost in translation…

As we still live in times when the masculine energy – both in men and women – is valued more than the feminine, intuition as an expression of the feminine energy is still often not seen as valid as analytical thinking or logic (masculine). But until we fully value the gift of intuition we won’t be able to hear its voice or if we hear it we won’t recognise its profound wisdom and won’t follow it. 

And so how can we reclaim this wonderful magical power within all of us? First acknowledge that it’s within you right now and then take time to consciously value and appreciate it. Can you remember the times you were aware of it, followed it and it served you well? Then just revisit those moments to remind yourself how it feels to you personally to be guided by your intuition. Maybe it speaks to you through your body, your heart or your gut feelings? Maybe you notice many synchronicities? Maybe it’s a quiet calm voice or simple inner knowing? Lastly set an intention to make intuition your priority for next week or however long you feel guided to. You can even evoke it by affirmation: Speak to me my intuition. I am ready. And then just let go. Being receptive to the weise voice within is all that is required from you…

I look forward to meditating with you,

Jana x x

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