Meditation Themes

Follow Your Heart

“Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.” Rumi

Dear Ones,
it’s very easy to get lost in the labyrinth meanders of your thoughts. If you’ve ever sat in meditation and observed your thoughts you know the truth of these words. The undeniable gift of meditation practice means that you no longer identify with every thought and give your power away to them. Instead you created this immensely liberating gap which reminds you that you are not your thoughts. You are the observer, the witness, the sage.

But meditation itself is just a preparation and practice to live in the present moment in our everyday life. As every time we are lost again in the endless stream of the thoughts of either past or future we are missing what’s in front of us and missing out on life. Everytime we are not aware, not present, we automatically run old programs and literally repeat the past. And as we are now stepping into a new life both on a personal and collective level, running old programs would make this transition period difficult if not impossible. 

The good news is that there is a very natural way to stay fully present as you are taking these steps in a new direction: It is your heart. Your heart knows the way and can guide you with astonishing accuracy step by step. When you are in your heart you are fully present, alive, connected to your truth and able to discern what is in alignment with you and what is not. The heart simplifies and yet with its depth of wisdom never misses anything truly important for your life. It grounds you in the centre of your being and truly honours and treasures your uniqueness and your unique path. You only need to learn to trust it again.  

This will require both being gentle with yourself and at the same time consistent and committed. As the vast majority of current western society literally lives “in the head”  the pull to do the same might be strong at times. You’ve been told to measure everything with your mind, sorting the plus and minus of everything in huge piles of confusion. The mind/ego pretending to be a safe shelter to those whose heart has been wounded, telling them to never trust it again and instead to build high walls of protection of the rightness and wrongness. But if you are reading these
words you already know the fallacy of this way of being and living. 

And so instead, dearest One, return to the wisdom of the heart and learn to trust it again. You deserve nothing less…

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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