Meditation Themes

Follow Your Passion

“Act on your highest excitement to the best of your ability with zero insistence on the outcome, trusting that your Higher Mind will manifest what you truly need.” Bashar 

Dear Ones, 
since my teenage years I felt such a strong irresistible pull towards the spiritual and soulful. And although I really enjoyed thinking of different spiritual or philosophical concepts from a theoretical point of view, I always wanted to know how they can be applied practically to life. Now I know that this was my intuition guiding me accurately, as spirituality is not an exclusive club of a few philosophical minds. We are all spiritual beings having human experience and so the spiritual and physical can’t ever be separated as they are intricately connected. But as your spirit is eternal and your body is temporary, it’s only natural for the spirit to lead and for the body to follow. Or in other words to live a truly happy fulfilling life requires “to know thyself”, to understand your true self first and let it guide you. 

We’ve all heard the sentences like Follow your passion or Follow your bliss. Although it sounds good and upbeat, our western analytical mind might consider it as neither very sensible nor very practical. But this couldn’t be actually further from the truth. I think the best way this insight is described is in the channelling of Bashar who says: “Excitement is your true vibration. It’s your body’s translation of the frequency of your true core being. That’s why our biggest teaching is: Follow your highest excitement in life. Because that means when you act on it you’re in alignment with yourself. It’s the compass needle pointing to your magnetic north.”

When I work with people I often notice that this is in conflict with the unconscious belief most of us have been conditioned to believe and in time internalised –  that life is not supposed to be easy. Whether it surfaces in sentences like “no pain no gain” or “first work then play” etc., it just shows a belief that we are supposed to somehow strive and struggle first and only then will we be deserving and rewarded. But I often see clearly how this belief can complicate things unnecessarily, and actually take people further away from their natural self, which always means away from their happy self. 

And so “Follow your passion ” is not a frivolous statement. On the contrary. It only describes this sacred dialogue between the soul and the body. The energy resonance with people, projects, places, subjects of interest etc. translating into your body/feelings as joy, passion and excitement… The more intense feeling of passion the more it is in alignment with your core energy, with your natural unique self. And when you learn to trust and follow that sacred call, you not only experience more joy and passion in your life, but you also simplify your life significantly. And to me that’s really practical and sensible! 😉 As when you stop investing your energy into that which is NOT in alignment with your natural self, it will be like living in a clear and decluttered space,  there will be naturally more ease and flow and no more resistance. 

And so can you listen to the whisper of your soul and follow your highest excitement, dearest One?

 I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom soon!

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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