Meditation Themes

Change Is Your Friend

Dear Ones,
I am very close to my family. We are not a perfect family, but what I love is that we all grow and strive to be better people. And even though we don’t always succeed, it’s a trait I will always treasure. I am especially close to my nieces and nephews. Two of them now reaching teenage years, so when I went to visit them, I found myself pondering if the closeness is still going to be there…I have to admit it’s often hard for me to watch peer pressure diminishing young people’s uniqueness, a big price to pay for fitting in…So I couldn’t help but wish they would still be those sweet innocent children and life would be less complicated…A thought which I immediately shared with my sister when she picked me up at the airport…Now my sister is among those most inspiring mothers I’ve met so far. She was so from the very beginning. Although an extremely giving mother she managed to escape the trap of many well meaning parents by acknowledging also her own personal needs outside motherhood, always keeping it real and in doing so giving her kids – among many other gifts – a great gift of authenticity, balance and healthy boundaries…So I shouldn’t have been surprised when she replied that she is actually enjoying this change, this new phase of her kids becoming more independent, autonomous and able to have an adult conversation…The right answer indeed and another well done, my big sis! And as for me, I found the very treasured closeness to both my niece and my nephew untouched and possibly even becoming richer as we could talk about things we haven’t talked before…I think we are all going to agree that change in all forms is a natural way of life. So when we resist it, we in fact resist life itself and vice versa. And when we do that there is no space for personal happiness. So no matter what’s the new ahead right now, let’s be brave, let’s trust it, let’s trust life and its natural beautiful cycles. It’s guiding us in the right direction and in perfect ways. So if you feel inspired affirm with me this week: Change is my friend and then watch the doorway to the new opening in harmonious, easy and exciting ways…
I am looking forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love,

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