Meditation Themes


Wherever you are and whatever you do, be in love.” Rumi

Dear Ones,
As we reach one year of these historically unique times, it’s good to pause, reflect and ground yourself in self-love…It’s been definitely a year of change for all of us, and for most of us the changes are both internal and external. And although the ego doesn’t like change and holds or even clings to the familiar and known, the eternal part of us, the infinite immortal being that we really are, is not scared of anything and understands that challenges often speed up both the individual and the collective evolution. 

So how did you change? Who have you become, dearest One? It’s good to be gentle with yourself as you reflect and integrate everything new into your life. Giving yourself support, encouraging yourself and treating yourself like your best friend…Within every particle of this universe is that which is wanted and the lack of it.  So it is you who gives the meaning to everything through your perspective. And wherever you place your attention you automatically give it energy and expand it further. So your own perspective is highly creative, in fact it’s the seat of your power… So be selective as you reflect. Consciously choose to look at the positive side of your story, the positive changes within you and your life.

This is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself. And for others too. Holding the highest vision for yourself and others…In truth you are much greater than any challenge or any obstacle on your path. And all solutions, all answers are already within you. You are being guided, loved unconditionally and there is nothing to be afraid of. So just let go now and relax in your goodness, in your worthiness, in love for yourself…Thank you for being here at this extraordinary time of pivotal changes, thank you for shining your light!

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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