Meditation Themes

Embracing the Shadow

“That hurt we embrace becomes joy. Call it to your arms where it can change.” Rumi

Dear Ones,

it feels to me like the last two years shook us up and anything which needs healing came up or is coming up to the surface…Whether it is in the form of negative thoughts or emotions, health conditions, relationship or work issues, it is surfacing because we are ready to heal and let go. The new higher and happier version of us individually and collectively is ready to emerge, and so it’s now time for us to complete a cycle and close a chapter.

And although from the highest perspective, the shadow – anything which we perceive as our weakness, shortcoming, wound or an repetitive issue, is illusionary as at the core of our being we are pure love and light, indestructible and eternal, the experience of the shadow can feel very real. It is connected to our human experience and the conditioning which makes us believe in and consequently experience the separate vulnerable self. Sometimes this is called a wounded inner child which already gives us the clue to what to do next.

It gives us guidance to be gentle, loving and nurturing towards ourselves so that the divine alchemy of love can naturally dissolve any shadows and let our true nature shine through stronger and brighter than ever before, illuminating not only our own path but also the path of others. It guides us to treat ourselves with compassion and sensitivity, understanding that everyone including ourselves is doing the best they can no matter how it might look on the surface. It guides us to release any judgement about ourselves and any tendencies of perfectionism and instead to learn to love ourselves unconditionally, fully embracing the shadow the way we would embrace a wounded child…
Are you ready, dearest One?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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