Meditation Themes

The Power Of Your Focus

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Einstein

Dear Ones,
It might not feel easy to keep a positive focus at this time when so much is happening in the world. But once you truly understand that your thoughts are powerful and create your life experience you’ll naturally make a decision to take good care of them. Once you start truly seeing that wherever you place your focus you place your energy and expand it further, you’ll understand more about your true power and you naturally become more conscious of it.

Each of us is already contributing to either positive or negative scenarios both in our personal lives and also in the collective. Through our focus we literally empower problems or solutions, in each moment we think and feel we give our precious energy to either side of the story and through our energetic yet very tangible vote it becomes stronger. Our words and actions then are just natural consequences of the energy stream we already set in motion. 

Our words and actions are of course important and certainly more visible, but my writing to you today is just a gentle reminder to go to the root of your innate power and take good care of it. Knowing that your mind is a powerful tool and it’s important to learn to use it so that it can become a source of blessings for yourself and the whole of humanity rather than a dangerous weapon hurting you and others.  

Undeniably we live in the world of duality and contrast but I sense clearly that all of us made a conscious choice to be here, so we are not victims. The contrast, the negative, the unwanted has its own important role too. It helps us become clear of who we are and what we want, which itself evolves constantly. So we don’t have to worry that there won’t be enough contrast to help us again and again redefine and evolve, but most of us got carried away giving it too much attention and in doing so expanding it and perpetuating it further. So the real and very practical question is: How long is it going to take us to take our eyes from the problem, issue, unwanted and refocus on the solution and wanted?

Positive people are sometimes accused of being Pollyanna or wearing rose coloured glasses. But people who choose to look on the brighter side of life are in fact holding a precious balance for everyone. Often not in the limelight or being acknowledged by society, they are the true beacons of light, the light bearers. They show the way forward, silently reminding the others of the power within…I know you could be one of them. Are you ready, dearest One?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, Jana xx

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