Meditation Themes

The Power Of Your Focus

Dear Ones,

Your focus is very closely connected to your innate power as wherever you place your attention you place your energy and expand it further. Most people at this point of our human evolution don’t fully understand the immense power of the focus in creating their lives and so they don’t give it much consideration and let their focus go wherever the immediate transient thought takes them.  Most still believe what the conditioning taught them – that we create our lives mainly through our words and actions. And although your words and actions are an important part of the creative process, they are not a real source of your power but rather natural consequences of your beliefs, thoughts and feelings. As that’s where you set everything in motion and whatever you say or do afterwards is just a natural consequence. 

You’ve been given a gift of free will and you will always have a choice in this world of duality. You will always have a choice to give your attention either to the positive or the negative, to the light or the dark, to the wanted or the unwanted. No one can ever take this freedom away from you nor can make these choices for you. Once you start to truly understand that whatever you focus on you draw into your reality and in some ways you make it part of your life, you will naturally treat your focus with more care and apply more discernment. For most this inner commitment doesn’t happen until the power of focus is fully realised. 

And then it often feels like you are not thinking your thoughts but your thoughts are thinking you. This is simply because of the momentum. Throughout your life till now you practiced a certain way of thinking: Your thoughts about yourself and your place in the world, about your work, your relationship, your health, your finances and the world in general etc. and these thoughts already have a certain momentum and direction and your life in all areas reflects back to you what those thoughts and beliefs really are. 

And so, dearest One, be gentle and patient with yourself if you realise that the reflection is not what you intend for yourself and you want to create a real lasting change. Don’t try to change the reflection itself as that’s futile. In the same way as when you look into the mirror and your reflection is not smiling you don’t try to change the reflection itself but you know that you have to smile first you have to go to the root of your power and ask yourself: What do I believe about this? What do I think about this? What are my most dominant thoughts/beliefs about this?

The chances are that you are going to discover a negative belief or a negative thought. And if you do discover it, know that you always have a choice to drop it. It is not yours in the first place anyway. Most probably the belief/thought was given to you by your society, your parents, your teachers, your friends etc. You certainly don’t have to carry it for the rest of your life. You can liberate yourself anytime from any negative preconceived ideas. Again the choice to do that has always been there and will always be there. So take it! Set yourself free!

I  look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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