Meditation Themes

The Miracle of the Human Body

Dear Ones,
at the beginning of this year I had one of the most profound spiritual experiences so far. Quite unexpectedly, I saw myself from above and could see as clearly as never before that ultimately I am neither my body nor my personality…Powerful insights like this one are difficult to translate into a language, but let me just say that I could see with such a clarity how conditioning makes us – gradually and steadily –  narrow the vast infinite eternal spirit that we all are into the seemingly exclusive channel of the body/mind and in doing so we start believing in personhood, separation, and consequently experiencing life of limitation.

I could also see that although this is a natural part of a human story, a new story is being written right now. It is a story of us being fully awakened to the truth of who we are, fully aware of our Divine origin and our sacred connection to all living beings, while living here in these beautiful human bodies. The triumphant story of self-realisation and enlightenment, which previously seemed available just to a chosen few, is now available to many of us… 

But seeing so clearly that ultimately I am not this body, didn’t diminish the miracle of the body in any way. In fact I find myself often in utter awe, when the same insight revisits me briefly now and then and I am looking at the body from a higher perspective again. The physical body with all its intricacy is undeniably a wonder of all wonders! And it absolutely deserves our loving attention and care. It speaks to us constantly, telling us what it wants and what it needs and if we truly love ourselves we listen and follow its innate wisdom.

I also became aware that many mainstream voices and media have activated in the past year and half many thoughts of vulnerability of the body, not quite realising that thoughts if believed are highly creative. Consequently it seems many are experiencing body related issues. And so the intention of this writing and this week’s meditation is to remind ourselves of the powerful self-healing qualities of the body, its wisdom and its consistent natural effort to return back to equilibrium, harmony and well-being.

One of my greatest insights of this year was how conditioned we are unconsciously to suppress any negative feelings. It often happens so quickly that we don’t even notice it.  But suppression doesn’t make them disappear, instead they influence us from the unconscious mind and are in fact the cause of many diseases. So as much as it’s wonderful to look after our diet, exercise and be outdoors breathing fresh air, if we don’t pay attention to the way we feel, the disease might not disappear.  

It’s good to know that we really don’t have to be scared of any feelings. Just simply being present with them when they arise within you, without any judgement, and perhaps imagining that you are lovingly embracing them with your arms will naturally dissolve them. Many addictions which are so detrimental to the physical body are in fact an unconscious attempt to escape these difficult feelings. But when we learn to face them with love we realise they transmute so easily and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

And so this is my invitation to you to remember and consciously return to your natural innate well-being, dearest One. I see you being healthy and happ
y. Now and always!

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