Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,
there is so much richness within us and all around us and the more we understand our true nature the more we understand that abundance is available for all of us, that in fact our true nature is infinite abundance itself.

And like with any area of our lives it’s often good to pause and notice what our current beliefs about it are. We can only create within the boundaries of our beliefs, so the more truthful we can be with ourselves the more potential for growth and transformation is available to us. And it’s good to remember that we don’t have to judge ourselves when we become aware of any unhelpful negative thought or behaviour patterns. Awareness doesn’t equal judgement, we can be truthful and at the same time gentle and loving with ourselves.

I find it usually very helpful to first take time to reflect on the beliefs our parents had when we were little children – in this case about abundance. Because as children we don’t question our parents we often absorb their beliefs, thoughts and ideas and unconsciously internalise them as our own.

And although true abundance means abundance and well-being in all areas of our lives, it’s often helpful to narrow it down to be able to see more clearly. One of the ways we can become truly aware of what the beliefs actually are is when we take the time and reflect on our relationship to money and material possessions. We have a relationship with everything in our lives and the happier, healthier the relationship is the more happiness we can expect in the future. As what we put out we get back.

Sometimes money is considered as “not spiritual”, but money itself is neutral, it represents energy and so it’s not to blame. It is our relationship to it which makes it either beneficial or difficult. As many of us were brought up with an unconscious belief of scarcity or not enough, chances are we still carry it on some level. And it’s good to know that the scarcity consciousness is not directly connected to “how much we have” as apparently many multimillionaires still feel very insecure about money.

So if you feel inspired, take some time this week and reflect on your relationship to money and possessions. If money would be a person, would it be your friend, your angel, someone you appreciate or someone you cling to, are possessive of, worry about, neglect, ignore, avoid or even see as an enemy or a monster to be afraid of? When you can name it, you have your key and a clear knowledge of what to expect from money in future. Unless of course you decide to change your relationship to it. And this choice is always available to you.

I feel we live in truly revolutionary times where we are asked to let go of any beliefs based in fear and limitation and embrace those based in love and abundance in all areas of our lives, both personally and collectively. So this is a profoundly unique time of healing and letting go. And the most powerful tool for healing is our perspective, how we think and feel about any subject. Our actions then follow naturally.

And what I really love about this is how powerful our personal transformation is for the collective. As we are all connected through the magic of oneness, if you let go of even only one negative belief about abundance and money, you help the whole humankind open up more to infinite abundance. And in doing so you are actively helping build a new world, a new society, where everyone can live in peace and prosperity. Would you like to take part in this inner revolution, dearest One?

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