Meditation Themes

Your Capacity to Give and Receive Love

Dear Ones,
all of our relationships – whether they are romantic in nature, friendships, relationships within family or wider community – are offering countless opportunities to affirm what true love really is. We start realising that love can always flow, even if the relationship changes its form or seemingly reaches the end. As at our very core we are love itself. So anytime we are loving we are being authentically ourselves in the highest sense of the word and it is us who benefit from it in the first place. The recipients of our genuine love also benefit, but whether they do or don’t accept our love fully doesn’t need to affect us in such a way which is widely believed in our current society and often channelled through the entertainment industry. True love is in fact a free gift and doesn’t require anything in return. 

This doesn’t mean to always say yes, please others or invite everyone into our closest circle. Sometimes the most loving thing is to say NO. Whether no means just being authentic and respecting our inner truth, or not supporting weaknesses or codependent tendencies of a loved one, or recognising that a particular relationship changed its form and it’s time to express our love in different and more appropriate ways. 

Although saying “no” is not
always easy, it’s good to ground ourselves in knowing that love is closely connected to truth, so if we want to have truly loving relationships in our lives we have to respect and cultivate both. And in the same way true love invites us to give the other the same opportunity to be first true to themselves. As how could we be true to others, if we are not first true to ourselves? When we genuinely love someone, we naturally want the best for them and fully respect their values and intentions for life. And again we recognise that our love can flow even if the highest good for the other means they will no longer be present in our lives. 

The initiations of love are not always easy, but if we understand that they are precious opportunities to expand our ability to give and receive love fully, we learn to treasure them. We recognise that they offer a greater understanding of who we really are – love in the body. Through them we realise that true love is unconditional, transcends any apparent differences and is not limited by time and space or even death. 

I sense that learning to give and receive love fully is one of the main reasons we are all here. And I also sense that it will be one of the main themes we’ll reflect on when we reach the end of this lifetime. And so why not accept the gift of love fully right now and let love guide us, transform us and remind us of who we truly are. Are you ready?

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