Meditation Themes

Follow Your Passion

Dear Ones,

This life you are living right now is such a gift. I know we all sometimes don’t feel like this and take things for granted. But just pause for a moment and allow yourself to think about the time we live in right now with all its infinite possibilities our ancestors could only dream of. At this time you can literally carve your own path. At least in our privileged part of the world you can choose the way you want to live. You no longer have to repeat the ways of your ancestors, you can follow your original ideas which may be totally new and highly progressive. I sense in the next few decades this is going to grow even further. 

It’s like a playground. Yes, you might need to let go of your limiting beliefs given to you by your ancestors and the mindset of the society and culture you’ve been born into but when you let go and finally see the new world emerging in front of your eyes, you too will soon feel like a child in the middle of a playground eagerly anticipating what would be the most exciting thing to do next. And when you let go of the last nagging thought of past generations that this way of looking at life is frivolous and that you should do something “more useful” with your time, you’ll start  playing with the infinite possibilities to your own delight and the delight of everyone around you.  

Your greatest gift and asset in this new game of life is your uniqueness. There is no one who can see the world like you and who can express inner gifts the way you can. We are all originals, masterpieces of the Divine Mind which in its expansive ways doesn’t create anything twice and this Divine Mind is within you too. All the great creations whether it is in the arts and creative field or inventions in all areas of life were created by people who trusted their uniqueness and their unique vision. 

Previous generations often saw this gift being given to a small exclusive number of genius individuals. But in our time we start recognising that no one is excluded in this game of creation, that everyone has a gift to share and that everyone has something to give to humanity. And we all understand more and more that this something has to come from the labor of love, because only then it will be a genuine gift, not tainted by many agendas of the ego. 

Whether this labor of love expresses itself as interest, passion or even at times obsession we’ve seen creators of the past and present following their highest excitement until what they were meant to create was completed. And however satisfying the final result is, it is the journey of creation that makes all of this so rewarding. Time often becomes irrelevant, one is totally present and absorbed by the activity and feels the vitality of life force not only sustaining but also revitalising him/her on all levels. 

And so dearest One, you are not excluded from these new exciting ways of being and living. Through you too flow original ideas of the Divine Mind. You too are a creator. You too have something unique and original to give. So the only question is, can you trust your interest, your passion, your excitement. your love to guide you on this journey? As no one else can guide you here, only you know what truly excites you and calls you and therefore only you can say which is your path. Are you ready to follow your passion now? 

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join Us for Meditation with the Theme Follow Your Passion

Thursday 27th April at 10 am on Zoom and Saturday 29th April at 11.30* am ot the Tree of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. (* GMT)

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