Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,

Our mind is such a powerful tool to manifest what we want in the world. Lester Levenson, one of the enlightened teachers, used to say that if we just think about what we want that would be all we would get. This puts the law of attraction in a very simple perspective for all of us: If we can hold only positive thoughts – especially about those aspects of our lives which are really important to us, life would be truly magical  as we would manifest things easily and effortlessly. 

And as this is not the first time you read about the power of your thoughts, if you feel inspired let’s take it one step further and really apply it in your everyday life. Recognise the power of pure positive thought and nourish it further, give it more space, expand it further. This also means letting go of the thoughts of fear, doubt, lack and limitation. As we were not brought up with the knowledge how powerful our thoughts and feelings are, we often learn to think in a very complex and objective way, looking at both the positive and negative aspects. And although this analytical way of thinking has its own place, when it comes to our dreams and intentions, if we look at a positive aspect of something we make energetically one step towards it but when we then look at the negative aspect or give an attention to doubt or worry we make one step back, and so at the end we don’t move at all which explains why for many things don’t change so much…

And so it comes all down to consistency, self-discipline and taking your power back fully. It also means not indulging in negative conversations whether it is with your own thoughts or while engaging with others. It’s good to know – as you embark on this powerful journey – that negative patterns are addictive, and so we can become unconsciously addicted to worrying, complaining, over analysing, criticising etc. And so it might be helpful to recognise when your mind is missing its “regular dose of negativity” and starts unconsciously craving it. Simply by just observing it the light of your awareness will break the vicious circle and reconnect you to your power. 

It certainly helps to know that you are not the mind! It is only a tool. And when you know it clearly and without doubt you’ll naturally start using it positively instead of just automatically identifying with every thought which crosses your mind. And then your true nature can shine through brightly without any limits – infinite love, infinite beauty, infinite wisdom, infinite power and  infinite abundance on all levels and in all aspects of your life. Heaven on Earth. You deserve nothing less, dearest One. Are you ready?

I  look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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