Meditation Themes

Believe In Yourself

“Twenty years from now, you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sale away from safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover. ” Mark Twain

Dear Ones,

it’s so easy to slip back and doubt yourself, especially if things aren’t going exactly as planned. In those moments stay sensitive to the way you feel and quickly steer away from any negative monologue, especially if it’s turned against yourself. You really don’t want to nourish this sort of momentum. It’s like letting weeds grow in your garden…In the same way self-doubt will suffocate and eventually kill all those beautiful blooming intentions, particularly if they are in the delicate first stages of growth, maybe a seed, maybe just the first sprouts coming to the surface. Instead, tend the garden of your mind every day. Meditate, focus on positive aspects of your life, envision your dreams coming true while letting your inner joy guide you. And most of all, believe in yourself! There are so many gifts and talents within you waiting to be expressed and manifested in the outside world. So focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses, on the possibilities and pure potential and not on limitations. And know that when you tend to your mind, you also tend to the collective mind, helping others reach their potential also. What a wonderful way to live!

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