Meditation Themes

Your Innate Power

“Each person is born with an infinite power, against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.” Neville Goddard
Dear Ones,
this week allow yourself to feel your power. You are a powerful being of light and love. This innate power is and always has been within you, so it’s really not a question of whether you are powerful or not. You are. But it is your awareness of this power which makes you really own it and express it for your highest benefit and for the benefit of those around you. For most of us this is usually a gradual process of awakening. We are all in different stages of awakening to the power within. I sense a divine perfection in each stage, so there really is no reason to force the unfolding. Just allow it to happen.
This week could be a powerful initiation for you, as it is truly magical when you consciously open your mind and your heart to the divine power within. Although most associate power with its outer expression – words and actions- you may have already discovered that this is something that comes later. Focusing solely on outer expression is a misunderstanding of power and a source of much frustration and weariness in the world. The reason for this is that you are powerful only when you are in alignment. This inner alignment is everything – alignment with your intentions, your highest vision and your dreams. In your mind, with your thoughts… you set everything in motion. And what follows is only a natural consequence of this first step…So own your power today. It is a sacred gift from the Universe and it is time and it is right for you to use it. 

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