Meditation Themes

Stay True To Yourself And Your Dreams

“Don’t look for your dreams to become true; look to become true to your dreams.” Michael Bernard Beckwith
Dear Ones,
sometimes when you face obstacles or delays on your path towards those heartfelt desires and dreams, you might slip back into doubting
yourself. But know that doubt or fear will always take you further away from your path and from who you truly are. So many are discouraged when things don’t go as planned and self-doubt is often quickly followed by compromise or settling for second best. Although being flexible and going with the flow is an important part of life and our spiritual journey, there are times when you need to stick to your direction. Your integrity, sensitivity and discernment are always there to guide you. You see, those obstacles and delays are often just manifestations of your doubt and insecurities and if you respond to them with the same you only perpetuate the vicious circle. So the opposite needs to happen. It’s time to stand up for yourself and your intentions for your life. It’s time to reconnect to your deepest Self and your natural confidence.
 There are so many ways to renew and refresh your perspective, so many tools available. Your spiritual everyday practice plays an immensely important role in this. An effective spiritual practice – whatever it might be – will
reconnect you to you, to the eternal part of yourself, with all the spiritual nourishment, wisdom, consistency and stability you seek at this point. And then when you take the next step you will KNOW that you are moving towards your dream and not away from it. You came here for the joy of this “next step”. Take it now. With all your heart! 

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